
Welcome to the Southwest Association for Language Learning and Technology (SWALLT), the southwest regional group of the International Association for Language Learning Technology. SWALLT encompasses Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah.
Our goals are to keep past, present and prospective members informed and involved regarding news, events and activities in the field of language learning and technology.
From one of our Past Presidents, Gus Leonard:
SWALLT is a volunteer organization dedicated to assisting those involved with any area of language learning and the use of technology. Many of our members supervise language or computer labs in addition to language teaching duties. Others of us provide technical support or are engaged in the development of technology-based language products. In a field where rapid change is the norm, it is important to have a resource to help with the constant questions technology brings. The members of SWALLT attempt to provide this resource to those who often find themselves being asked to manage and understand a growing number of technological products. We do this through bi-annual meetings, networking, and personal contact. I invite you to join with us and help make a stronger organization by sharing your experience and questions with, what I believe to be, a very friendly and helpful group of colleagues.